>Burning money is a popular hobby.
Go to an average restaurant in Bangalore. There, money cannot buy happiness. Not even good food or a decent service. The only guarantee is that you can burn money at a pretty decent rate.
There are faster, more stylish ways of burning money. PVR Gold Class. Pizza Hut. Amoeba Game parlour. I found a slower, elegant way to burn money. Use match sticks.
Luxury cannot be avoided in a society. But of late, people who spend in such ways come from the large middle class segment of the society.
Just think about it. For a good dinner with friends, do you spend 2 days of your monthly salary ? How often do you go for such a dinner ? Are you burning money ?
Money has become the most preferred medium to express one’s friendship, love, respect and all kinds of emotions to other human beings. Gifts and treats are all about money. Reason – No time to spend, only money.
Skewed evolution of human society.
If you have no better hobby, start one soon. And see the difference.