
Cook it up with love

My wife has started blogging her cooking inventions and improvisations. She is too excited about her new blog that she cooks up interesting recipes more frequently these days. (Good for me !).

Frankly speaking, you will not be disappointed if you sincerely try these recipes.

So, Cook it up with love  for dinner tonight !


annam brahma

अन्नम् ब्रह्म – “annam brahma” is an old Hindu idea which roughly means “Food is God”.

If that sounds too primitive, watch the movie “Food Inc” to learn why America is in deep trouble because it sees food as just a commodity. The movie will change forever the way you look at food. Here is the official trailer in Youtube.

Unless you are too busy to take care of your health, I highly recommend you to watch this movie.


India’s Soft Power !

What a speech by the MP Shashi Tharoor on what India means to the world in 21st century ! Again, he proves that he is one of the best Indian politicians ever. See for yourself in this TED Video.

I wish he becomes India’s Prime Minister in the near future, though I doubt it will happen with the Gandy family around.