
Slow Down

>Slow… slow…

Gobbling down breakfast.
Scurrying to the meeting.
Pressing Alt+Tab on your PC keyboard.
Squeezing through the insane crowd at the Shiva Temple on the day of Maha Shivaratri.
Murdering the accelerator of your car/two-wheeler when the traffic light goes from green to yellow.
Incessant channel surfing on your TV.
Chewing up all the news and olds from newspapers and magazines.
Ruthlessly ‘planning’ your career all the way up to death.
Your stressful thinking.

What are you doing with your life ?

Take a deeeep b r e a t h . . . .
R e l a x !

2 replies on “Slow Down”

>why do you think anyone would take a deep breath in a crowded traffic signal, unless he has a passion of inhaling polluted motor exhausts?

ha ha 🙂

Dude jokes apart, very good post…

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