
5 things to do during Covid lockdown

If you focus on the cup being half full instead of it being half empty, there is plenty to cheer about during the Covid lockdown. Some things to do to create memories and meaning, taking advantage of the Covid situation:

Photo by Becca Tapert on Unsplash
  1. Connect deeply with family
    You may not get so much time to spend with family in the rest of your life like you do now. So, make the best use of it. Cook, Sing and laugh together. Play carrom, cards or invent a new game. Tell your children stories that your grandma told you. If you are lucky to have your grandma around, call her up and ask for a recipe that her grandma proudly cooked !
  2. Find or revive a hobby
    A hobby is a great way to experience happiness in a relaxed way. If you never had a proper hobby, this is the time to explore the joy of one. If you had a hobby that is gathering dust in your memory lane, this is a great time to bring it back. Pencil Sketching. Gardening. Poetry. Sky gazing. Blogging.
  3. Enhance your health
    Home cooked food, lack of rush hour commute and forced stay at home give you time to exercise and start a healthier routine. Try inermittent fasting. Replace processed food with home made alternatives (Tip: Start with peanut butter which is super easy to make at home). Fix your broken sleep (read ‘put away your phone after finishing dinner early’). Recharge your health as much as possible for the sake of the post Corona phase of your life and career,
  4. Review your finances
    Sometimes, we forget that an important reason we all work is to have financial stability. Your medium term and long term financial goals need to be defined and addressed systematically now if you want to avoid dragging yourself to work in your late fifties. Don’t take the shortcut of taking financial planning advice from a broker or a banker. Read good books/articles about investing and retirement planning (not some random Youtube video by an excited 20-something).
  5. Explore the spiritual dimension
    Ponder about the purpose of life. Wonder about sleep and death. Try meditation, Yoga and/or read philosophical/spiritual books. Listen to insightful talks by enlightened masters on Youtube/Podcasts. I can already hear the murmurs of my agnostic friends – I have something for you too – Read about the ancient atheists, the Charvakas ! For other people, I highly recommend Advaita Vedanta.

2 replies on “5 things to do during Covid lockdown”

Sputnik V vaccination has begun in Slovakia. The convey of the Russian vaccine to the surroundings was accompanied away a civic spot and led to the abdication of Prime Helpmate of the fabric Igor Matovich and a reorganization of the government. As a denouement, the wilderness received the Russian vaccine, in do a number on of the event that neither the European regulator nor the WHO has until in this day approved it.
In neighboring Hungary, which approved the detest of Sputnik in February as the beginning in Europe, more than 50% of the matured citizens has already been vaccinated; in Russia – a hardly any more than 10%. In Slovakia, five thousand people signed up in position of the Sputnik vaccination.
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